Wait for the Lord

Waiting is hard. 

I’m sure I’m not the only one who can struggle with patience. It’s a natural tendency, especially in this age of instant gratification, to want things to happen in our ideal timeline. Well friend, I’m here to tell you to settle in. You may be waiting for a job, a spouse, a family, or any number of things. The world will tell us to go after those things and make it happen. And while, yes, you should absolutely have dreams and chase them, God is ultimately at work in our lives behind the scenes. As hard as we might push and fight and strive to make it happen right now, sometimes God still tells us to wait for them. And you should listen!

When I was finishing up college, I dreamed of moving to Nashville instead of moving back home to New Hampshire. I worked hard to get my portfolio ready, applied for job after job, and was ready to do whatever it took to get to Nashville. I even considered working multiple part time jobs to make an internship work as my main gig. Yikes! Then I started running out of time. My lease would be up soon and if I didn’t have a job I would have to move home. Now don’t misunderstand me, going home wouldn’t have been the end of the world. But since I wanted to stay in the south, I knew it would create a bigger obstacle in applying and interviewing for jobs. 

I kept trying to figure out why I wasn’t getting interviews, let alone a job. I started to panic. I started to doubt both in myself and also in God and his plan for me. Then, a friend told me to apply to a job in South Carolina because they thought I’d be a good fit for this company. This was NOT a graphic design job, or even a photography job like I was planning on. It was customer service in some random town in South Carolina that I knew nothing about. Definitely not Nashville and definitely not in my plan. But, with nothing else to lose I came down for the interview...and here we are four years later!

God more often than not works in ways we don’t understand. Sometimes it feels like we’re waiting an eternity for the next step, to figure out what we’re supposed to be searching for and looking towards. But waiting for God to reveal his plan and purpose for your life is well worth the wait because He is always good.  

It’s hard to put into words, honestly, and try to explain to someone how the uncomfortable waiting brings the greatest reward. God always has our best in mind! So don’t be afraid to wait on Him. You may not know the timing, but you know the blessing that lies ahead!


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